Tuesday, September 25, 2012


It seems that no matter what I do lately and no matter how much I get accomplished, I just can't shake this anxiety and stress. Worry is constantly hovering within me and I don't know how to escape it. I just want to drop everything and drive. Blast my music as loud as I can so I can't hear the thoughts inside my head and drive. But where would I go? Where could I go that I would be able to escape this craziness? I have one idea in mind. The place that, no matter what, is able to comfort me and despite whatever worries I have. This place allows me to escape reality, at least briefly. If only I have the time to actually go there...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"And when you take a step back from it all, things really aren't so bad"

Diving In the Deep End

I have been back at school for about a month now and it was no easy transition. From the very beginning, things were happening at full speed. From the social scene, school work, field hockey and other organizations, it's hard not to be overwhelmed. I feel like I am being pulled in so many directions and there are so many things I want to be involved in. If only there were more hours in a day and sleep was optional. While school and grades are definitely my priority, I also am becoming involved in different organizations related to my major through which I will gain the experience and networking that I need to get a job and internship. I also need the social scene and field hockey because those are my stress reliefs. That's how I clear my mind. I feel like I am expecting too much of myself and often seem to get caught up in my own thoughts too often. Definitely living life in the fast lane these days.